Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for London County Council]
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Medical Officer of Health and Principal School Medical
Officer J. A. Scott
Deputy Medical Officer of Health and
Deputy Principal School Medical Officer .. A. B. Stewart
Senior Principal Medical Officer M. MacGregor
Administrative Officer C. R. Geere
Principal Medical Officers
Maternity and child welfare Dorothy F. Egan
School health G. D. Pirrie (seconded to
the World Health
Evelyn A. Mower.
White (from 1/9/54)
Epidemiology I. Taylor
Tuberculosis W. Hartston
Staff examinations and mental health C. W. J. Ingham
Chief Dental Officer and Principal School Dental Officer W. Ritchie Young
Chief Nursing Officer Evelyn Robinson
Scientific Adviser S. G. Burgess
Establishment Officer R. H. J. Stronge
Principal Clerks G. Berridge
D. J. B. Cooper
W. H. Joyce
Officer-in-Charge, London Ambulance Service A. G. Hellman
Statistician C. W. Shaddick
Chief Inspector J. C. Clancey
Principal Organiser of Child Care Frances C. K. Gregson
Senior Officers of the Divisions
Divisional Medical Divisional Administrative Divisional Nursing
Division Officer Officer Officer
1. Violet I. Russell G. J. Newton Mary Sidebotham
2. H. L. Oldershaw H. J. Norton Eveline Beattie
(absent on study
Kathleen E. Harvey
3. Bertha E. A. Sharpe N. B. Chapman Catherine Walsh
4. S. King J. C. Minter Ellen M. Hazell
5. G. O. Mitchell A. J. Cridland Katherine M. Roe
6. F. R. Waldron L. R. T. Coward Lilian Berry
7. H. D. Chalke F. L. Clark Kathleen L. Sewell