London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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Other sections, which came into force on January 1st, 1923, regulate the conditions
under which the sale of milk under special designations shall be permitted.
Milk (Special Designations) Order, 1923.
The special designations, under which milk may be sold, comprise the following:—
"Certified," " Grade A (tuberculin tested)," "Grade A," and "Pasteurised."
The order states the conditions which must be complied with before a licence can be
granted in connection with the production, distribution and sale of such milk. Any such licence
is valid for not more than one year and expires on December 31st in each year.

During 1923 the following licences for the Sale of Graded Milk were granted:—

Date of Licence.Name and Address of Licensee.Grades of milk in respect of which Licence is granted.St. Pancras Address at which graded milk will be sold.
1923. 7th FebruaryWelford & Sons, Ltd., Elgin Avenue, W. 9"Certified"69, Albany Street.
Do.Do.Do.48, Marchmont Street.
Do.J. Richards, Ltd., 41, England's Lane, N. W. 3Do.63, Park Street.
Do.Do.Do.176, Gt. College Street.
Do.Do.Do.126, Regent's Park Road.
Do.Marshalls Dairies, Ltd., 19, Tudor Place, W. 1Do.19, Tudor Place.
Do.Do."Grade A"Do.
Do.Express Dairy Co., Ltd., 26, Tavistock Place W.C.1"Certified"26, Tavistock Place.
Do.Do."Grade A Tuberculin tested''Do.
Do.Vicarage Farm Dairy Co., Ltd., 277 & 279, Kentish Town Road, N.W. 5"Certified"277 & 279, Kentish Town Road.
Do.Do."Grade A"Do.
Do.W. T. Davies, 17, Hunter Street, W.C.1"Certified"17, Hunter Street.
Do.Do."Grade A Tubereulin tested "Do.
Do.Do."Grade A"Do.
Do.Belgravia Dairy Co., Ltd., 4 6, Exhibition Road, S.W. 7"Certified"177, Albany Street.
5th MarchExpress Dairy Co., Ltd., 26-30, Tavistock Place, W.C. 1Do.12, South Grove.
Do.Do."Grade A Tuberculin tested"Do.
Do.John Evans, 35, Southampton Street, W. 1"Certified"35, Southampton Street.
Do.J. R. Mills, 23, Francis Street, W.C.Do.23, Francis Street.
Do.Lord Rayleigh's Dairies. Ltd., 12, Gt. Russell Street, W.C. 1"Certified"Supplementary licence to sell in St. Pancras.
5th AprilManor Farm Dairy Co., Ltd., Highgate, N. 6"Pasteurised"Do.
Do.Welford & Co., Dairy Farmers, Ltd., 105-7, Stroud Green Road, N. 4"Certified"Do.
Do.Evan Jones, 137, King's Cross Road, W.C. 1Do.137, King's Cross Road.
2nd JuneWelford & Sons, Ltd., Elgin Avenue, W.9Do.63, Park Street.
Do.Do.Do.176, Gt. College Street.
6th DecemberGriffiths Bros., 51, St. George's Road"Pasteurised"51, St. George's Road and branches in St. Pancras.