London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The figures in the previous table are based on the sex population as determined by the
1921 Census. They show that the death rate amongst males from pulmonary tuberculosis was
double that amongst females, while for non-pulmonary tuberculosis the death rate amongst
males only slightly exceeded that amongst females.

The deaths during 1923 are classified in the following table according to the part of the body affected, as well as for age and sex :—

O-l1-55—1515—2525—3535—4545—5555—6565 up.Total Males.15—1515—2525—3535—4545—5555- 6565 up.Total FemalesTotal Prosons
Pulmonary Tuberculosis-1-173227391361351152114125172207
Ththisis (not defined as tuberculous;----11-22--24
Total Pulmonary Tuberculosis-1-IT32283914 61371-3172114125174211
Acute Phthisis 11-2-1-211168
Acute" Miliary Tuberculosis -21---1-4-1------15
Tuberculous Meningitis25311-120541123
Tabes Mesenterica---
Other Peritoneal and In-testinal Tubercle-1-01-411-1211711
Tuberculosis of Spinal Column-12-3_-_1126
Tuberculosis of Joints2ni13
Tuberculosis of other Organs -1---122
Disseminated Tuberculosis1-1-13---i14
Total Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis3857]2132323844313329'61
Total all forms of Tuberculosis95'2433130±0178169487.2124141384103272

The following table gives details of the new cases occurring during 1923, classified
according to the parts of the body affected, as well as for age and sex distribution: —