London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The Principal causes of death during the yers are stated in the following tabel,and for comparison,the figuures for the previoun 10 yers are also given:-

Diseases.19131914191.S1916'91719181919192019211922Average for 10 years.1923
Heart Disease305358439375404389370442435461398394
Tuberculosis—All forms392432500423441485311312304315395272
Premature Birth, Debility and Congenital Defects191164187176144132162201149134164134
Cerebral Hemorrhage, Embolism, and Apoplexy1161411691191161319198126120123112
Nephritis and Bright's Disease10111213210310498619560679379
Diarrhoea and Enteritis148142114729756685498479061
Whooping Cough36405239278076038294228
Diphtheria and Croup1924232531213351443020
Puerperal Fever275452984459
Rheumatic Fever6101177876161598
Scarlet Fever61922847511120113
Enteric Fever.,648565213143

This analysis shows a decrease in deaths from the respiratory diseases—bronchitis,
pneumonia and pleurisy; the deaths from heart disease were about the average ; those from
cancer show a further increase. Deaths from infectious diseases of all forms were very few
in number, and it is chiefly due to this factor that the death-rate for the year is so low.
The deaths during the year are fully classified for causes, age, and sex in Table 2 on
page 87.
For purposes of comparison the death-rates for England and Wales, the County of
London, the Metropolitan Boroughs, and certain of the large towns, are given in Table 5 on
page 93.
It will be noticed that 21 Metropolitan Boroughs have a lower and six a higher deathrate
than St. Pancras.
Of the total 2,585 St. Pancras deaths which occurred during the year, 1,549 took place
in Public Institutions, either within or without the Borough; this equals a proportion of 60 per
cent, of the total deaths.