London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1923

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following table shows the figures for each quarter during the past ten years :—

Year.Number of Births (Uncorrected).Total for Year (Un-corected).Total for Year (Corrected).
1st Qtr.2nd Qtr.3rd Qtr,4th Qtr.

1338 births occurred in Public Institutions in St. Paneras, equal to 29-0 per cent, of
the total births which took place in the Borough.
Table 5, on page 93, shows the birth-rate for 1923 of England and Wales, the County
of London, the Metropolitan Boroughs, and certain of the large towns having populations
exceeding 125,000.


Of the 4,348 net St. Paneras births, 247, or 5.7 per cent., were returned as illegitimate. The corresponding figures for the preceding 10 years were as follows:—

19225.6 per cent.19177.2 per cent.
19215.5 ,,19167.0 ,,
19205.6 ,,19155.4 ,,
19198.4 „19144-4
19189.5 ,,19134-7 „

Notification of Births.
4,569 notifications of births were received during the year, including 121 still-births
and 4,448 live births, or 96 per cent, of the births registered as having taken place in the
Borough. Details in regard to notification will be found on page 28.
The net number of St. Paneras deaths registered during the year was 2,585; this equals
an annual death-rate of 12,1 per 1,000 of population. This is the lowest death-rate hitherto
recorded in the Borough. The actual number of deaths registered as having occurred in the
Borough was 2,735. This figure has to be corrected by the exclusion of 634 deaths of persons
who were not St. Paneras residents, and by the inclusion of 484 deaths of residents which
occurred and were registered outside the Borough. The corrected figure of 2,585 is used in
calculating the rates in this report.
In Table ], on page 86, will be found the corresponding figures for previous years.
The principal causes of death during the year are stated in the following table, and for
comparison, the figures for the previous 10 years are also given:—