London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, London, Borough of]

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entered into by the Borough Council with the County Council in respect of
the cleansing of inmates of common lodging houses specially provided for the
cleansing of inmates of houses outside the Borough at the charge of 1s. per
attendance, and it was upon this last arrangement that your Committee based
their proposal in regard to cleansing children from outside the Borough.
Since the agreement was made between the Authorities and the mile radius
arrangement was adopted by the County Council, it was ascertained that in
North St. Pancras the following schools were treated as outside the mile radius,
namely,—Carlton Road, St. Dominic's, Fortess Road, Burghley Road, Mansfield
Road, and St. Anne's, Brookfield, and only the following North St. Pancras
schools were treated as inside the mile radius, and their children brought to
the Cleansing Station, namely,—Falkland Road, Holmes Road, Wilkin Street,
and Rhyl Street School. Your Council were strongly of opinion that the
verminous children from all the schools in St. Pancras should be brought to
the St. Pancras Cleansing Station, and if necessary by conveyance, and passed
the following resolutions on the 30th October:—
(a) That this Authority do not agree to children from outside St. Pancras
being admitted to their Cleansing Station on the same terms as those
who are resident within the Borough, and they adhere to their
previous decision that such children should only be dealt with after
the children in St. Pancras have been attended to, and that the rate
of payment in respect of the children attending schools outside the
Borough within a mile radius of the Cleansing Station should be 1s.
per attendance.
(b) The Borough Council strongly desire that the children from the
whole of the Borough who require cleansing should be cleansed at
the St. Pancras Cleansing Station, and are of opinion that if the
distance of any part of St. Pancras is considered sufficiently far to
require it, the County Council should provide means of conveying
children who may need cleansing to the Station.
The subject has not been further pursued by the County Council so that at
present the verminous school children cleansed are (1) those residing in and
attending schools in the Borough and their bed-fellows; (2) those attending
schools in the Borough and residing outside, but in these cases the bed-fellows
are not cleansed at the Station.
Cleansing of Inmates of Common Lodging Houses Outside St. Pancras.—On
the 17th January, 1912, your Council reported in regard to the arrangement
made with the London County Council for the cleansing of persons at
this Authority's Cleansing Station sent from common lodging houses in other
Boroughs, and recommended that the County Council be asked to agree that
the cleansing of such persons who presented themselves at the Cleansing
Station might be there and then carried out, and the payment of 1s. per
attendance be made upon notification being received from the Borough
Council's Officers that the cleansing had taken place. This recommendation
was made in order to obviate the necessity of refusing persons admission to
the Cleansing Station until they had obtained an order from the Lodging