London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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150 Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Cutting-off Notices.
During the year 76 notices with respect to 104 premises were
received from the Water Board stating that the supply had been
15 of the premises were in Clapham, 19 in Putney, 31 in
Streatham, 15 in Tooting, and 24 in Wandsworth.
The supply was withdrawn for non-payment of rates from
46 premises, from 23 premises in consequence of defects, in 20 the
premises were empty, in 13 the supply was withdrawn by request,
and in two the reason was not stated.
Compared with 1909, there has been a decrease in the
number of notices received, chiefly in consequence of defects and
at the request of the owners.
The Mortuaries in Clapham and Streatham have been visited
several times during the year, and I am able to report that the
By-laws and Regulations have been carried out in a satisfactory
With reference to the Wandsworth Mortuary the Public
Health Committee has had the question of providing a new mortuary
for Wandsworth before them, but so far no decision as to
the site has been arrived at.
The Mortuary at Tooting has been closed, but a temporary
one has been provided pending the erection of a new one in