London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1909

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
"The second Table (No. LI.) shows the number of revisits,
and the method of feeding then found, the average age
at the second visit being from four to five months.
"The proportion of infants entirely breast fed this year
is practically the same as last, as is also the proportion of
those having milk or food :n addition to the breast. The
number of those having cows' milk is greater, and of those
having condensed milk less, and there is an appreciable
decrease in the use of farinaceous and other foods. One
mother's reason for not giving the breast was that "she did
not like the idea of it." The above applies to the method of
feeding at the first visit.
"With regard to the feeding" at the second visit there is
a slight decrease in the proportion of those wholly breast fed,
65 as against 66 per cent., but on the other hand, there is a
great increase in the proportion of those having cows' milk
only. Several mothers who were giving a little milk or a
little food (chiefly biscuit), in addition to the breast at our
first visit, were by our advice giving the breast alone at the
second visit.
"The use of boat bottles is still on the increase, 399 boat
bottles were used (Clapham 16, Putney 13, Balham 46,
Tooting 127, Southfield 23, Fairfield 66, Springfield 108), as
against 99 tube bottles (Clapham two, Putney two, Balham
20, Tooting 47, Southfield one, Fairfield six, Springfield 21)
In 16 cases (Balham six, Tooting six, Fairfield three, Springfield
one), where tube bottles were being used at our first visit,
we found boat bottles substituted at the second visit. Both
tube and boat bottles were in use in 12 instances (Clapham
one, Balham six, Tooting four, Springfield one), and spoons
were used in preference to either in 67 cases (Clapham six,
Balham 10, Tooting 28, Fairfield 10, Springfield 13).
"With regard to employment of mid wives, out of the
2,268 mothers visited, 964 availed themselves of their services.
Of these, 660 employed midwives registered under the
London County Council (Clapham 43, Putney 33, Balham 36,