London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Shelters provided under sec. 60 (4) of the Public Health
(London) Act, 1891 —
Number of persons accommodated during the year 6
Revenue Acts—
Number of houses for which applications were received
during year 754
Number of tenements comprised therein 1,120
Number of tenements for which certificates were (a) granted 962
„ „ „ „ (b) refused 18
(c) deferred 140
Number of prosecutions under By-laws under Public Health
Act, 1891—
(a) For prevention of nuisance arising from snow, ice,
salt, filth, etc. —
(b) For prevention of nuisance arising from offensive
matter running out of any manufactory, etc. —
(c) For the prevention of keeping of animals in such a
manner as to be injurious to health 1
(d) As to paving of yards, etc., of dwelling houses 2
(e) In connection with the removal of offensive matter,
etc. 1
(f) As to cesspools and privies, removal and disposal of
refuse, etc. —
(g) For securing the cleanliness of tanks, cisterns, etc. —
(h) With respect to water closets, earth closets, etc. 8
(i) With respect to sufficiency of water supply to
water closets —
(J) With respect to drainage, etc. (Metropolis Management
Act, section 202) —
(k) With respect to deposit of plans as to drainage, etc.
(Metropolis Management Acts Amendment (Bylaws)
Act, 1899) —
Total number of bodies removed 197
Total number of infectious bodies removed —