London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1904

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Wandsworth, Metropolitan Borough]

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Report of the Medical Officer of Health,
This estimated population is in all probability fairly correct, as
the population if calculated from the number of inhabited houses and
the number of persons per inhabited house at the Census of 1901
shows only a slight difference from this number.
At the Census of 1901 the number of inhabited houses was
37,764, and in 1903, 42,531, while in 1904, 1,800 houses were brought
into rating, making a total of 44,331.
By multiplying this total by 6.1 (the number of persons per
inhabited house in 1901) the calculated population would be 270,419,
or 836 above the number estimated by the first method.
The numbers in Table I. are, however, used to calculate the rates
in this Report.
The public institutions in the Borough are as follows:—
Clapham:—Hostel of God.
Putney:—The Priory, Roehampton.
Streatham:—St. Anne’s Home. (St. Pancras parish).
Middlesex County Lunatic Asylum (part of).
Tooting:—Tooting Home.
Fairfield House. (Chelsea parish).
Metropolitan Asylums Board's Hospitals—
The Fountain and the Grove.
Newlands Asylum.
Tooting Bee Asylum.
Wandsworth:- The Workhouse.
Royal Hospital for Incurables.
Northlands Home for Inebriates.
Middlesex County Lunatic Asylum (part of).
H.M. Prison.
The total population of these institutions was about 6,300, but as
a considerable number of the inmates of the Tooting Home, the
Workhouse, and the Metropolitan Asylums Board's Hospitals belong
to the Borough, a deduction of 5,383 made from the uncorrected total
will give approximately the corrected population, viz.:—264,200,
compared with 251,000 in 1903, and 240,800 in 1902.