Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]
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During the year, 2 tubes of 8,000 units were supplied free for
necessitous cases, and 2 tubes of 8,000 units were sold to a medical
Enteric Fever.—3 cases of Typhoid Fever were notified, and
confirmed bacteriologically. The history of each case was investigated,
but it was found impossible to trace the sources of infection.
Puerperal Fever.—6 cases were notified as compared
with 3 notifications the previous year. All cases received hospital
Puerperal Pyrexia.—14 cases were notified as compared
with 17 the previous year. 13 cases received hospital treatment.
Pneumonia and Influenzal Pneumonia.—Acute Primary
Pneumonia and Influenzal Pneumonia are notifiable diseases under
the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) London Regulations, 1927.
During 1935 22 notifications were received of Acute Primary
Pneumonia (same as the previous year), and 4 notifications of
Influenzal Pneumonia as compared with 3 the previous year.
There were 44 deaths from Pneumonia (all forms) during 1935 as
compared with 31 in 1934.
Ophthalmia Neonatorum.—One case of this disease was
notified during the year; this was mild and responded readily to
treatment with no resulting impairment of vision.
The particulars of the case notified, as required by the Ministry of Health are set out in the following Table:—
Notified. | Cases Treated. | Vision unimpaired. | Vision impaired . | Total Blindness. | Deaths. | |
At Home | I n Hospital. | |||||
1 | — | 1 | 1 | — | — | — |
Encephalitis Lethargica.—No notification of this disease
was received during the year.
Poliomyelitis.—One notification of this disease was received
during the year, and treated in hospital.