Stoke Newington 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

Three return cases occurred during the year and the discharged
patients were examined but showed no signs of being
The Dick test and active immunisation have not yet been
employed in the borough.
Diphtheria.-—During the year 71 cases of Diphtheria were
notified with I death as compared with 87 notifications and 6
deaths the previous year.
The Schick Test and Immunisation against Diphtheria.—This
work is carried out by the Medical Officer of Health once a week
at the Barton House Maternity and Child Welfare Centre.
In every case before a child is given an injection the consent
of the parent or guardian is obtained in writing.
The figures in respect of Schick testing and Immunisation
are as follows:—
Of 63 Schick tested 53 were found to be positive and 10 negative.
125 completed the preliminary course of three immunising injections.
During the year, 107 children were re-Schick tested at intervals
of three to four months, after the immunising treatment. Of
these, 103 were found to be definitely negative and 4 to be still
slightly positive; in these 4 instances it was thought advisable to
give a fourth injection to secure adequate protection.
The number of children protected during the year though
comparatively small shows a substantial increase as compared
with the figure for the previous year (48), but dissemination of information
on the subject of Diphtheria protection was continued by
means of leaflets drawing attention to the danger of the disease and
to the facilities for immunisation available at the Council's Welfare
Diphtheria Anti-toxin.—A supply of Anti-toxin is kept in the
Public Health Department for sale to local medical practitioners
in urgent cases.