London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Stoke Newington 1934

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Stoke Newington, The Metropolitan Borough]

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Registration of Food Premises.
Under Section 5 of London County Council (General Powers)
Act, 1932, any premises used for the sale or manufacture or storage
of ice cream or for the preparation of sausages, potted or preserved
meat or fish intended for sale must be registered by the owner or
occupier with the Metropolitan Borough Council. This power
confers upon the Borough Council the right to refuse registration
or to cancel registration where premises are unsuitable for the
purpose for which they are registered.
During the year 48 food premises were registered and kept
under observation.
Bakehouses.—There are 27 bakehouses in the borough, and
20 of these are underground. These premises were all regularly
inspected by the Sanitary Staff.
Ice Cream Premises.—There are 52 premises in the borough
where the manufacture or sale of this commodity is carried on.
These premises were inspected on 83 occasions.
Fish Shops.—There are 11 fishmongers, and 12 premises
are occupied and used for the cooking of fish and chipped potatoes.
These premises were frequently visited and the cooking was found
to be carried on satisfactorily and without nuisance.
176 samples were purchased under the provisions of the Act,
and submitted to the Public Analyst for analysis, of which 174
were certified to be genuine and 2 adulterated, the adulterations
thus being equivalent to 1.1% of the samples taken, the same
percentage of adulteration as that for the previous year.
Of the total number of samples purchased 68 were milk, of
which -1 was certified to be adulterated. The vendor of this
adulterated sample was summonsed but the case was dismissed
owing to a technical error, due to the delay in service of the
summons by the Police.