London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St George (Westminster) 1874

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]

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1 85 Guineas.
2 90 ,,
3 95 ,,
4 95 „
365 Guineas.
Two horses have been sold during the year, and have
realized £110.
The sewers in the Parish have been cleansed, repaired,
and flushed from time to time by the workmen in the employment
of the Vestry. New gullies have been fixed
where necessary for carrying off surface water, and gullies
have been trapped in all cases of complaint.
The Committee of Works having given instructions, as
occasion offered, to fix ventilators over all man-holes which
were found unprovided with gratings, not only to promote
the better circulation of air in the sewers, but also to
prevent the accumulation of coal-gas at those places, I
have had a proper ventilator fixed in every case where such
is found.
New Sewers and Repairs.
The only new sewer work executed during the past
year has been about 200 ft. of 12 in. pipe in Tilney-street,
and a new invert for the 5 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. sewer in
I have the honour to be,
My Lords and Gentlemen,
Your faithful and obedient Servant,