Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hanover Square, The Vestry of the Parish of Saint George]
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393 infants, or about one-fifth of the total mortality, died
under one year of age.
New Industrial Dwellings.
The Coleshill Buildings in Ebury Street and the Pimlico
Road, containing 120 tenements, and the Ebury Buildings,
in Ebury Square, holding 72 tenements, were opened on
Friday, November 18th, 1870, by the Directors of the
Improved Industrial Dwellings Company, who have
conducted a variety of experiments for the purpose of
securing a constant water supply for their tenants, and
having, as they believe, succeeded, the perfected arrangements
have been fixed for the first time in these Buildings.
The " New Models" situate in Grosvenor Mews, New
Bond Street, are provided for 20 families—10 single
rooms and 10 double rooms, including a constant water
Zymotic and other Diseases.
The mortality from Zymotic disease amounted to 479
against 319 of the previous year, and includes, from Smallpox,
32; Measles, 29, against 17; Scarlet Fever, 137,
against 64; Diphtheria, 4 against 8; Quinsy, 2; Croup,
12 against 9; Whooping Cough, 50; Typhus Fever, 16
against 43; Erysipelas, 24 against 9; Enteric Fever, 32;
Pyasmia, 27 against 18; Carbuncle, 2; Dysentery, 4;
Diarrhœa, 79; Cholera, 2; Remittent Fever, 1; Rheumatic
Fever, 2; Rheumatism, 1; Syphilis, 12 against 4;
Thrush, 4; Metria, 1. Tabes and Scrofula proved fatal
to 22; Consumption, 232 against 247; Lung Disease,
321 against 320; Hydrocephalus, Convulsions, and
Teething, 98.
In the quarter ending September 24th, 1870, the highest
number of Deaths from Zymotic disease occurred, the
total being 157; the cause being attributable to Scarlet