London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Southwark 1927

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Southwark, Borough of]

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a good deal for us in the way of sending away to Convalescent Homes
delicate non-tuberculous adults, and by supplying clothing to patients
going to Sanatoria. The United Services Fund and the British Red
Cross Society have also been a very great help to us.
The Council still have three shelters and eight beds in constant use
at the homes of patients.
Extra nourishment has been given to 45 patients.
The relationship with the L.C.C., the Ministry of Pensions, and the
Local Practitioners has been most cordial.
I append tables and statistics of the work done during the year.
I am, Sir, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Yours faithfully,
Tuberculosis Officer.
Staff of the Tuberculosis Dispensary to whose Salary contribution is
Tuberculosis Officer : J. T. Crowe, l.s.a., l.m.s.s.a.
Secretary and Dispenser: F. Nightingale (Certificate of the Society
of Apothecaries, London).
Tuberculosis Nurses : M. E. Bennett (Cert. Royal San. Inst.), S.R.N.
F. C. Rogeks (C.M.B.), S.R.N.
F. Jay (C.M.B.), S.R.N.