London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Paddington, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Eighty-nine visits of inspection were made, the following infringements of the Act and
Regulations being discovered:—
Cabins leaky 4
Stove flue pipe defective 2
Boats without Certificates 4
Two notices were served. On no occasion was admission to a boat refused, and it was not
found necessary to institute legal proceedings.
Three cases of infectious disease were reported. No death was recorded.
Nine children of school age were found to be living on the boats inspected.
It is practically certain that a number of boats, registered many years ago, have changed
ownership, been registered with another authority or been broken up. It is under the circumstances
impossible to trace a number of registered boats or to know the exact number of " live "
certificates of registration.
The annual cleansing at Paddington Basin was carried out during the week-end 16th-18th
April. About 398 tons of mud were removed from the bed of the Basin, in addition to 400 tons
which were dredged previously, a total of 798 tons, being some 572 tons less than that
removed in 1937.
The number of houses on the register at the close of the year was 2,301. Inspections totalled
7,154, and legal proceedings were instituted with respect to nuisances or contraventions of the
Bye-laws in 17 instances. Particulars of the defects, etc., discovered and remedied during the year
are shown below:—
Defects, Nuisances and Contraventions of Bye-laws (other than items of Dilapidation)
Discovered and Remedied.
Drain defective 14
„ choked 13
Soil pipe or soil vent pipe defective 8
Fresh-air inlet valve defective or missing 51
Manhole cover defective 9
Gully grating missing 2
Gully choked 9
Rain-water pipe defective 32
„ „ choked 9
Gutters defective 18
Waste-pipe defective 36
„ choked 5
„ untrapped 12
„ missing -
Sink defective 15
Absence of means for carrying away waste water from taps 11
Houses with insufficient water supply 57
Additional draw-off taps provided 35
Water-closet roof defective 21
„ walls out of repair 17
„ flooring defective g
„ flushing apparatus defective 65
„ pan defective 35
„ pan foul 13
„ seat defective 34
„ choked 18
„ door missing, off hinges, defective, or fastenings out of order 41
„ lighting or ventilation inadequate 3
accommodation insufficient 3
Drinking water cistern defective 1
„ „ „ dirty 19
„ „ „ uncovered or cover defective 6
Rooms damp 197
Rooms, staircases, wash-houses, water-closets, yards, areas, etc., dirty 2,358
Rooms verminous 110
Rooms, floor, bedding or contents dirty 4
Roof leaky 275
Mixing of sexes —
Chimney smoky 14
Food cupboard not provided 46
Cooking accommodation not provided or defective —
Staircase not provided with artificial light 1
„ without handrail 8
Window cords or fastenings out of repair 1,049
Common staircase out of repair 143
Animals improperly kept —
Premises where water supply was cut off —
Wash-house paving defective 88
Yard or area paving defective 106
Dustbin defective 86
„ accommodation insufficient 8
Premises without ashpit accommodation 1
Accumulation of refuse 34