Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]
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infant and Maternity Clinics.—The Clinic for Mothers and
Infants is held on four mornings in each week, at the Wesleyan
Hall, Rushey Green, Catford, which is rented by the Council
for this purpose. The Clinic is attended by the Maternity and
Child Welfare Medical Officer, two of the Health Visitors also
being in attendance.
The attendances during 1929 were as follows:—
Maternity Clinic 1,788
Infant Clinic 6,749
The cases treated during the year were classified as follows:
Maternity Clinic.
Disorders and Diseases of the Reproductive System 124
Disorders and Diseases of the Alimentary System 160
Diseases of the Respiratory System 32
Diseases of the Heart, Blood Vessels, etc. 11
Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System 14
Diseases of the Lymphatic System, Thyroid, etc. 2
Diseases of the Urinary System 5
Affections of the Skin 10
. Diseases of the Ear 1
Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints 12
General Diseases 115
Consultations 1,302
Infant Clinic.
Disorders and Diseases of the Alimentary System 502
Diseases of the Respiratory System 426
Disorders and Diseases of the Circulatory System 2
Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System 18
Diseases of the Urinary System 17
Disorders and Diseases of the Reproductive System 92
Affections of the Skin 201
Diseases of the Ear 65
Diseases of the Eye 38
Wounds and Bruises 10
Scalds and Burns 3
Exanthemata 7
Mental Defects 7
Congenital Defects 3
Orthopoedics 15
Injuries and Diseases of the Newborn 12
Rickets 20
General Diseases 19
Consultations on Infant Feeding and Management 5,292