Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lewisham Borough]
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The Council's activities in relation to Maternity and Child
Welfare include a Municipal Maternity Home, Ante-Natal,
Maternity, and Infant Clinics, Dental Treatment, Nursing
Assistance, a Scheme for the provision of milk for necessitous
mothers and their infants, and an organised system of visiting
by trained Health Visitors.
These services are closely linked up with the various
voluntary organisations engaged in infant welfare work in the
Maternity and Child Welfare Centres.
Ante-Natal Clinic.—This Clinic is housed at the Maternity
Home, and is held on Monday and Thursday mornings and
Monday afternoon in each week. Most of the patients who
attend have been accepted for admis-sion to the Maternity Home,
but an increasing number is sent by midwives for examination
and advice. Some of the patients attend on the recommendation
of neighbours, and others because they have learned
the habit of seeking ante-natal advice whilst residing in other
The number of attendances during the year was 2,211, and
of these, 2,038 were made by patients booked for admission
to the Maternity Home, and 173 by women who had made
arrangements for their confinement elsewhere.
The cases treated were classified as follows : —
Disorders and Diseases of the Reproductive System 28
Disorders and Diseases of the Alimentary System 101
Diseases of the Heart, Blood Vessels, etc. 20
Diseases of the Respiratory System 15
Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System 36
Diseases of the Urinary System 11
Affections of the Skin 8
Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints 5
Diseases of the Lymphatic System, Ductless
Glands, Thyroid, etc. 1
General Diseases 16
Consultations 1,970