London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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Brockwell Park Lido
This open air bath was extensively used during the summer season when
the results obtained were excellent.
During the winter season, bathers are relatively few, and only manual
addition of chemicals is possible. Five samples contained Coliform bacteria but
the maximum number was 3 per 100 mis. In the circumstances appertaining this
is satisfactory.
Kennington Park Lido
Eleven out of 12 samples taken during the summer season were satisfactory.
The unsatisfactory sample arose when a minor plant fault developed. This was
speedily rectified and satisfactory conditions restored.
The samples taken during the winter contained Coliform bacteria, maximum
number 4 per 100, and these results are satisfactory in the circumstances.
Shirley Oaks Swimming Bath
One sample out of 22 contained Coliform bacteria, 1 per 100 mis. The water
at the time was well chlorinated and in excellent condition. A large number of
bathers were in the water and the presence of Coliform bacteria ephemeral.
Parkside School Swimming Bath
Three samples out of 12 contained very small numbers of Coliform bacteria
(1 or 2 per 100). In all cases adequate free chlorine residuals applied and the
bacteria could not have been viable.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Swimming Bath
Three samples out of 18 contained 1 or 2 per 100 Coliform bacteria,
although free chlorine residuals were 2 p.p.m. and water treatment was satisfactory.
Relatively large numbers of bathers were in the water, and the bactericidal action
of the chlorine had not been completed at the times of sampling.
I am indebted to the Borough Engineer and Surveyor for suppling me with
the following information with regard to sewers within the Borough.