London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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Factories and Workshops.
Thirty-four new factories, 48 new workshops, and 82 new workplaces
were added to the Register, dealing with various trades.
Nine February and nine August lists were received, dealing with
150 and 170 out-workers respectively. Of the 320 out-workers
138 belonged to Lambeth and the remainder lived in other areas.
Particulars of the latter were sent to the Authorities concerned,
whilst, in return, 85 lists were received from various outside
authorities dealing with 460 workers living in Lambeth.
Of the total Lambeth out-workers reported 111 were new,
i.e., not previously registered.
The two women inspectors each work in one-half of the Borough,
and are responsible for the inspection and supervision under the
Factory and Workshops Acts, of all places where female labour
is employed. They visit regularly the kitchens, etc., attached to
all restaurants and cafes where food is prepared and cooked, but
in the case of public houses, however, it is found to be more
convenient to leave the inspection of kitchens to the district
sanitary inspectors.
Registrations Effected and Licences Granted.
Under the Transfer of Powers (London) Order, 1933, dated
March 9th, 1933, made by the Minister of Health, under Section 64
of the Local Government Act, 1929, certain functions hitherto
exercisable by the London County Council were transferred to the
various Metropolitan Boroughs from the 31st March, 1933.
The Borough Council was given control over Cow-houses,
Slaughter-houses, Common Lodging Houses and Offensive Trades,
and licences were granted and registrations were effected as set
out below :—
(a) Offensive Trades.
Three offensive trades are registered in Lambeth as follows :—
9 Old Paradise Street (tripe boiling).
15 Upper Marsh (fat melting).
15 Upper Marsh (soap boiling).