London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Lambeth 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Lambeth Borough]

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(ii) Sterile Maternity Outfits. These outfits contain sterilised
dressings, etc., and are sold at cost price at every Welfare Centre.
In the course of the year 522 of these outfits were sold. The
Council has sanctioned the issue of these outfits free or at reduced
cost in cases of poverty.
28 applications (3 since cancelled) for assistance towards the
purchase of these outfits from necessitous cases were received in the
course ot the year at a cost to the Council of £3 4s. 1 Id
(iii) Sterilization of Bed Linen, etc. During the year 25
applications only were received from the whole area in connection
with the service which is entirely free.
(iv) Co-operation with Voluntary Hospitals. There is
now an active liaison between the almoners of the various hospitals
in the Metropolis and the Public Health Department in respect
of the Lambeth Mothers who apply for both in- and out-patient
treatment for their confinements. Such caies are visited by the
Council's Health Visitors, who refer mothers to their local Welfare
Centre for advice for themselves, and for patterns of baby clothing,
etc., and full reports are forwarded to the almoner of the hospital
concerned. After the confinement every mother is followed up to
insure attendance at the post-natal clinic. The total number of
these cases (both ante-natal and post-natal) visited and reported
upon during 1935 was 2,002, distributed as follows :—
St. Thomas's Hospital 659
King's College Hospital 257
General Lying-in Hospital 344 f 1,686
Lambeth Hospital 426
" Westminster Hospital 54
Charing Cross Hospital 32
St. George's Hospital 9
Dulwich Hospital74
Middlesex Hospital 9
Institutions Elizabeth Garratt Anderson Hospital 3
outside the < Royal Free Hospital 7 316
Borough of Guy's Hospital 1
Lambeth St. Giles' Hospital 117
St. Mary's Hospital 2
Queen Charlotte's Hospital1
St. Mary Abbott Hospital 1
_St. Stephen's Hospital