Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]
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Investigations were carried out by the Public Health Inspectors from time to time
and any necessary action taken to secure compliance. In one case, the proprietor of a
retail shop specialising in oil heaters showed the Inspector specimens of "oil " which
he had taken from heaters which had been brought to him for repair. The "oil" was
dirty and contained flocculent matter. It had degrees of separation as if the bottles
contained water, paraffin and lubricating oil. He contended that vessels used for the
storage of paraffin should not be used for any other purpose. The wrong use of paraffin
containers was one of the causes of danger in the use of oil heaters.
Number of inspections and revisits 56
London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1954
Hairdressers and Barbers
Number of Gentlemen's Hairdressers 91
Number of Ladies' Hairdressers 99
Number of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hairdressers 17
Number of premises where hairdressing ceased 3
Number of Establishments situated in basements 4
Number of Establishments situated in dwelling houses 1
Number of Establishments where no assistants are employed 58
Number of Inspections and visits 373
Shops Act, 1950
Number of Applications received for Certificates of Exemption 1
Number of Exemption Certificates issued 1
Inspections and visits 2,397
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, 1949
There was a considerable reduction in the number of complaints recorded. It is
thought that this decrease is due to the use of 1081 in sewer treatments, the result
of which is naturally reflected in the occurrence of surface infestations.
There were no recorded ship rat infestations.
39 infestations were traced to defective drains and 5 to unsealed disused drains.
The situation regarding Municipal Housing Estates has improved.
In one case which had proved difficult over a period, the Council carried out the
work of investigation and relaid a portion of a defective drain in default. The owner
was prosecuted under the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act, the result of which appears
in the table at the end of this Section.
Two meetings of No. 1 Workable Area Committee were attended by the phief Public
Health Inspector as Chairman and the Rodent Officer.