London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Islington Borough]

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1938 60
Number of persons entered on the list of sellers of Part II Poisons at the
end of 1937 165
Number of persons who ceased selling poisons during the year, and were
removed from the list 16
Number of new entries made to the list during the year 15
Number of persons entered on the list of sellers of Part II Poisons at the
end of 1938 164
The reason for the removal of 16 persons from the List of sellers of
Part II Poisons was as follows:—
Renewal fee not paid 5
Premises vacated 11
Number of visits made during the year was as follows:—
Visits re new applications for entry on list of sellers 18
Visits to listed sellers of poisons 299
Other visits *463
* In addition to these, 912 visits under the Act were made by the Food and Drugs Inspector.
During the year, seven cases of contravention of the Act and Rules were reported
to the Public Health Committee ; four were in respect of non-listed Sellers of Poisons
selling Part II Poisons, and for not labelling the poisons in accordance with the provisions
laid down in the Poisons Rules, and three were in respect of Listed Sellers selling
poisons not properly labelled.
In three cases warning letters were sent to the offenders on the instruction of
the Public Health Committee ; three were successfully prosecuted—total fines
being £i 3s. Od. and costs £4 3s. Od. ; and there was one prosecution pending (to be
heard 20-1-39).
Four informal samples, 1 Hair Dye, 2 Insecticide and 1 Cooker Cleaner, were
examined by the Public Analyst for the purpose of ascertaining whether the substance
contravened the Act. 18 other samples were obtained by the Inspector for the
purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the Act with regard to labelling,
marking, etc., were being complied with, and were found to be in order.