London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Alimentary disorders3911
Heart disease4—
Respiratory disorders572
Hernia, umbilical131
Hernia, inguinal2—
Disease of skin372
Disease of eye223
Disease of ear163
Disease of nose and throat253
Dental caries233
Tuberculosis contacts6—
Other diseases319

Mothers and children attending the Municipal Centres during 1936 were referred to other departments or organisations as follows: —

Ante-natal Clinic9
Tuberculosis Dispensary1
Minor Ailments Clinic61244
Dental Clinio5239
Metropolitan Nursing Association12
Nursery School1
Massage Clinic
Convalescent Homes422
Assistance Sub-Committee (for milk)3938
Bloomsbury Dispensary13
Institute of Ray Therapy-16
Home for Unmarried Mothers1
Institute of Child Psychology3
Private Doctor16
Public Vaccinator1

Breast Massage. The following summary gives particulars of mothers referred for breast massage in 1936 :—

John Street.Short's Garden.
Number referred to Metropolitan Nursing Association93
Results :—
Breast secretion re-established32
Small bottle feeds required in addition to breast feeding3
Massage unsuccessful21 (co-operation of mother not obtained)
Massage successful, but baby weaned as mother developed tuberculosis1-