London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Holborn 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Holborn Borough]

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Post-natal Consultations.
Twenty-five attended the post-natal consultations at the Centre, 10, John
Street. They made 61 attendances in all.
The conditions found included one case of cancer, two cases of prolapse of
uterus, one case of fibroids, five cases of retroverted uterus, four cases of
leucorrhæa, two of cervicitis, and one case of prolapsed ovaries.
Two mothers attended the post-natal clinic at Short's Gardens Centre. One
had a normal puerperium following a miscarriage. The second failed to keep her
appointment for examination.
Instruction in Mothercraft and Hygiene.
For some years, both in the home and in the Centres, use has been made of
leaflets written in non-technical language dealing with the hygiene of infancy and
maternity; and the walls of the Centres have been hung with instructive posters
to give point to the teaching and to draw attention to the series of leaflets.
Propaganda posters are pasted on the outer walls at the Centres. There is
also a glass-fronted case for the display of a special poster; this poster is changed
Miss Mary Carter and Miss Edith Joyce have continued to give us a great deal
of valuable assistance during the year by making children's garments for busy
mothers from materials supplied by the mothers and from their own resources.
Mrs. Lauder Eaton has also given assistance at the Centre regularly on
Wednesdays for many months. Assistance is given at the Centres in cutting out
garments at any time; patterns of the most suitable woven garments are given
away, also directions for making knitted garments and advice as to the choice of
suitable materials. A sewing machine is available for use of the mothers at
10, John Street, and instruction in its use is given as required. Up-to-date
model garments for babies and young children are always on view at the Centres.
One hundred and thirty-seven hanks of wool of a special quality were sold at
cost price to the value of £7. 15s. 4d.
Maternity outfits are placed on sale at the Centre at cost price, 5s. lOd.
No outfit was sold.

Maternal and Infant Consultations.The following summary refers to maternal and infant consultations at 10 John Street and Short's Gardens Centres during the year 1936: —

Reasons for attendance.10, John Street.Short's Gardens
Mothers: —
Difficulty with breast feeding205
Disorders of generative organs18
Venereal Disease1
Respiratory disease12
Digestive disorders3
Debility19 403
Dental caries3
Other Diseases342