London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1968

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hammersmith Borough]

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registration it is usually possible to have incorporated in the provisions,
suggestions made by the Department, thereby making any objections to registration
This arrangement again worked satisfactorily during the year and in
no case was any objection recommended.
Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Act 1926
Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Regulations 1960 to 1964
Under the above, the seller of soil fertilisers, or cattle or poultry
feeding stuffs, is required to furnish a statutory statement as to
the name and content of the materials as listed in Schedule I of the Regulations;
and a local authority in enforcing the legislation may take
samples for analysis. During the year, 6 samples of fertiliser were taken
and all were satisfactory.
Smoke Control Areas
Hammersmith completed their phased Smoke Control Programme on the 1st
June, 1967, having achieved the distinction of being the first London Borough
to do so. This represents 3,995 acres involving some 72,559 premises.
Following a request from the Greater London Council to waive the No.
6 Smoke Control Order in respect of a block of flats, 1-72 Creighton Close,
W.12, owing to modernisation, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government
agreed in January 1968 to make a suspension order under Section 11(7)
of the Clean Air Act 1956 for a period expiring on the 31st December, 1969.
This Order will not apply to any other premises in the No.8 Smoke Control
Supplies of Smoke Fuels
Supplies of all smokeless fuels including gas, electricity, and oil,
have been adequate and no serious shortages have occurred, but sometimes
the choice of solid smokeless fuels has been limited.
No power failures in the electricity supply were experienced. In
August, 1968, direct acting electric space heaters were again made eligible
for grant expenditure, having been ineligible since August 1964
under Section 95(3) of the Housing Act 1964.
Emissions of Smoke from Domestic Chimneys
The sale of bituminous coal by "Pirate" vendors which militated
against effective domestic smoke control prompted Parliament to pass new
legislation. On the 25th October, 1968, the Clean Air Act, 1968, received
the Royal Assent. This Act, inter alia, contains powers for the Minister
of Housing and Local Government to require the creation of smoke control
areas by local authorities, and also to make offences relating to the
acquisition and sale of unauthorised fuel in a smoke control area. These
provisions will come into force on the 1st April 1969.
Emissions of Grit and Dust from Furnaces
Section 2 of the Clean Air Act, 1968, concerning the emission of
B. 17