London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1963

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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for more schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, power stations,
Legislation—The Housing (Payments for Well-Maintained
Houses) Order, 1963—Operative from 10th April, 1963, this Order
alters the basis upon which payment is calculated in respect of
houses which, although unfit for human habitation, have been
Housing Act 1961—Houses in Multiple Occupation.—In
connection with these types of properties, the general powers given
to the Council under the previous legislation, viz—
Natural Lighting
Water Supply
Drainage and Sanitary Conveniences
Facilities for storage, preparation and cooking of food and
for the disposal of waste water
Prevention of overcrowding of sleeping rooms
were retained under Sections 36 and 90 of the 1957 Act. However,
powers enabling the Council to enforce standards under Section
36 proved to be inadequate and were repealed by Part II of
the Housing Act, 1961. Regulations were made by the Minister
under Section 13 of the new Act providing a management
code for Councils to apply to "Houses in Multiple Occupation".
Further, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of
Section 15 of the Housing Act, 1961, the Council, on the 14th
November, 1962, adopted the standards of provision of amenities,
as suggested in the joint report of the Advisory Bodies of Town
Clerks and Medical Officers of Health of metropolitan borough
councils. Full details of the schedule were given in my 1962
During the year 34 visits were made by Public Health Inspectors
to houses in multiple occupation and 59 notices were served
as follow :—
Notice of entry for the purpose of inspection, etc., to occupiers
and to owners where known 50
Notice requiring statement of persons sleeping in a house 1
Notice requiring information as to ownership of premises 7
Informal notice requiring execution of works 1
Housing Act, 1957—The following procedures were carried
out under Part II of the above Act during 1963.