London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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at which food and drugs are prepared. Such premises include those
of the manufacturers of pharmaceutical sundries, mineral waters
and ice cream as well as fruit-canning factories, flour millers and
brewers. To these establishments the Food Inspectors made 3,310
visits, as a result of which 25 premises were improved.

The following table is a statistical record of the major portion of the duties performed and inspections undertaken during the year by the Food Inspectors.

Premises Inspected or Visits MadeNo. of VisitsNo. of Premises at which Improvements were effected
Caterers', Restaurants, etc.1437
Grocers, Greengrocers2805
Butchers' Shops1058
Dairies and Milk Distributors73
Wharves and Factories708
Bakehouses and Bakers' Shops352
Ice-Cream Premises, Confectioners, etc1483
Fried Fish Shops20_
Other Fish Shops39_
Cooked Meat & Preserved Foods104*
Visits Re. Shops Act336
„ „ Infestations8-
„ „ Food and Drugs Act248
„ „ Merchandise Marks Act & Markets118
„ „ Food Poisoning37-
Sampling Visits267_
Fair Visits15_
School Visits2_
Miscellaneous Visits (including Flour Mills-Cyanide Fumigation)568
Complaints Investigated44

* Included under Grocers' and Butchers' Shops.
Bakehouses.—At the end of the year, 8 premises in the
Borough were being used as bakehouses, none of which was
Bakehouses and bakers' shops were visited on 35 occasions
and, as a result of the inspections two improvements were effected.
Catering Establishments.—Public demand for communal
catering continues and as a result of this practice of "eating out"
the inspection and supervision of cafes, restaurants, works' canteens
etc., remains one of the most important duties of the Food
Inspectors. Disregard of normal hygiene in the handling and
preparation of food at such establishments can lead to an outbreak