London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1961

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Greenwich Borough]

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Summary of Work Performed by the Public Health Inspectors during the Year 1961

Houses inspected (House-to-House)10
(Complaints, nuisances)1,113
(Infectious Disease)183
Hairdressers or Barbers67
Licensed Victuallers29
Underground Rooms24
Pet Shops7
Stabler and yards11
Houses let in Lodgings3
Outworkers premises72
Under Clean Air Act4,885
Inspection of Premises (Slum Clearance)79
(Rent Acts)28
Investigations (Rats and Mice)259
Investigations (Insect Pests)53
On notice from Architects and Builders651
Re-inspections, calls made, etc7,904
Drains tested—by smoke95
—by water486
Opened, cleansed and repaired389
Reconstructions and additions313
Inspection chambers constructed260
New covers to manholes137
Soil and vent shafts repaired or renewed249
Traps (gully)327
Drains sealed off, etc138
Yards and forecourts drained101
Waterclosets and Urinals—
W.C. Compartments erected or repaired309
W.C. fittings repaired or renewed229
W.C. pedestals installed or renewed445
Sanitary conveniences or improvements effected to Factories and Workplaces9
Urinals cleansed or repaired17
Dustbins— Provided166
Yards and Forecourts96
General Water Supply—
Water Fittings amended292
Water supply restored11
Extra water supply to tenement houses
Water supply certificates granted (Sect. 95)91