London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Finsbury Borough]

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4. Quality:
Number of samples submitted to Public Analyst 245
Number of these reported as adulterated 5
The average quality of the milk supplied was very good. Of the
samples submitted the average content of fat was 3·4 per cent.
and of non-fatty solids 8·87 per cent., there being little seasonal
variations. Apart from the adulterated samples only 2 had a content
of non-fatty solids below 8·50 per cent. and these had a fat content
of 3·3 per cent.
Three of the adulterated samples had been taken from canteens
informally, and from enquiry it was established that they had been
watered for use in tea or cooking subsequent to delivery. One
further sample also from a restaurant had been taken informally
and was repeated formally and again found to be adulterated.
Prosecution was undertaken and the case was dismissed on payment
of £1 1s. 0d. by each of two conjoined defendants.
5. Cleanliness:
It will be seen from the laboratory report that of the 404 samples
of milk examined, only 2 could be regarded as unsatisfactory and only
3 others are described as below the desired standards. The handling
of these milks was carefully investigated. It can be accepted that
the cleanliness as well as the quality supplied in the Borough is highly
6. Total Number of inspections 243
Ice Cream.
The number of premises registered for the—
manufacture of ice cream was 25
storage and/or sale of ice cream was 74
There are no official standards for the quality of ice cream
but the Ministry of Food require a percentage of fat of not less
than 2·5 in those products for whose manufacture they have allowed
special allocations of rationed commodities. The Council has
agreed to undertake analyses and to make the results available to the
Ministry of Food.
Number of samples taken 49
with fat content greater than—15 per cent. 3
131 „ „ 1
11 „ „ 2
10 „ „ 3
9 „ „ 3