London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Finsbury 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Finsbury Borough]

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(ii) Disinfection of the premises, and sterilisation of all knives,
coats, towels, etc., was carried out as previously.
(iii) Only pre-wrapped goods were to be sold. It was suggested
to Mr. A. Junior that it might be advisable in the interests
of the shop for it to be closed temporarily, but this
suggestion was not acted upon. He was told that he
would not take any further part in the handling of food
in the shop until three negative examinations of his
faeces at intervals of two days had been obtained. He
suggested that his mother could come down the next
day, and the errand boy after the result of the bacteriological
examination was known, and that his sister could
come in the evening after she had finished her ordinary
work at 5.30 p.m. As Mrs. A. had a negative result, the
preliminary result of the errand boy would be known
by 11 a.m., and there was no evidence of the girl being
infected, this course was assented to. Arrangements were
made for the collection of a second specimen of faeces
from Mrs. A. and Miss A. It should be noted that on
this date the first definite suggestion as to closing the
shop was made. Mr. A. and family up till this time had
agreed to all the action which I had taken in dealing
with the outbreak, and has assisted in every possible way.
(iv) A letter in similar terms as that to Mr. A. was sent by
the Deputy Town Clerk to Mr. A. Junior. He was
informed that three negative examinations would be
required in his case as well.
31s/ August.—No cases connected with the outbreak were
reported on this day.
The shop had been opened at 9.30 a.m. and Mrs. A. only was
in attendance in the shop; a few sales of pre-wrapped articles
had taken place. The second specimen of faeces from Mrs. A.
and Miss A. (1st sample) were sent for bacteriological examination.
The following result of the bacteriological examination of the
faeces of the errand boy was received: Positive, B. enteritidis
Mrs. A. was at once instructed not to allow the errand boy
to enter the shop, and the information was sent to the Acting