London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1960

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Battersea Borough]

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effect possibly even quite small changes of routine which might lessen
the chances of an accident.
Modern society has long recognised that the care and welfare of
old people is an important responsibility of the community which is
likely to become even more so in the years ahead. It is very satisfactory
to be able to refer (on page 47) to the steps which were taken during
the year to strengthen the services in Battersea. There also will be
found mention of the valuable help we receive from the Staff of St. John's
Hospital, where there is a unit devoted to the care of old people,
where work of the highest class is carried on. I am sure that the
strengthening of the community services, together with the expert advice
and help available at St. John's, will result in a steadily improving
service for the care and welfare of old people in Battersea.
The work of the section of the Health Department devoted to the
implementation of the Clean Air Act continued in 1960. The final
work on the Council's No. 1 Smoke Control Area was completed, and
preliminary work on the second Area proceeded. The Order relative
to the latter Area was duly made, and at the end of the year confirmation
was awaited.
Dr. Lowry, the Deputy Medical Office of Health, tendered his
resignation during the year on being appointed to a post abroad, and
he left the Department in the middle of November. He took leave of
the Department, where he had done some excellent work, particularly
in relation to housing and old people, with the good wishes of everyone
The Committee duly appointed in his place Dr. T. A. Plumley who,
however, had not taken up his post when the year ended.
It gives me again much pleasure to thank all those who have
helped me and the Department during the year. Councillor Miss E.A.
Coles, J.P., Chairman of the Health Committee, gave us her usual
unstinted help and support, as indeed did all the Members of the Health
Committee. I should also like to thank all the staff of the Health
Department, and also the Chief Officers and their staff of other Departments,
for their help and co-operation during the year.
I have the honour to be, Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Medical Officer of Health.