London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Battersea 1926

Report on the health of the Metropolitan Borough of Battersea for the year 1926

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These are frequently inspected and any defects noted are
referred to the London County Council, who are the authority
Drainage Work.
During the year new drains were constructed to 62 new buildings,
or additions to existing buildings, and the drains of 110 old
buildings were partially or entirely reconstructed, under the
supervision of the Officers of the Department.
The drains of the following premises, being combined drains
for the maintenance of which liability was recognised by the
Council, were repaired or reconstructed during 1926 at the cost of the
Auckland Road, No. 26 ; Currie Road, Nos. 11 & 13 ; Castle
Street, Nos. 50 & 52 ; Lockington Road, No. 42 ; Tyneham Road,
No. 13.
The expenditure incurred by the Council under this head
amounted to £188 14s. 4d.
The total number of plans of proposed drainage work deposited
during 1926, as compared with 1925, was as under :—
1926 1925
Re-construction or repair of existing
drains 64 74
New buildings or additions to existing
buildings 43 48
107 122
In four cases, drainage work was found to have been carried out
in contravention of the provisions of the drainage by-laws, as
1. W.C. pan and trap fixed without notice.
2. Water waste preventer fixed without notice.
3. W.C. pan fixed without notice.
4. Plan of works executed not deposited within specified
In the first three cases, a cautionary letter was addressed to
the offender, and in the fourth case, legal proceedings were instituted,
fine and costs being inflicted.
Revenue Act, 1903.
During 1926 no application for the certificate of the Medical
Officer of Health under the provisions of the Revenue Act, 1903, was