London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1925

[Report on the health of the Borough of Bethnal Green during the year 1925]

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Ice Cream Premises.
There were 194 ice cream premises recorded at
the end of the year, and 243 visits were paid to them
by the district inspectors.
Some of the cowsheds in the Borough are of such
old construction and so situated as to be difficult of
alteration to comply with modern standards. I am
of opinion that the licensing authority (the L.C.C.)
should be asked to consider the discontinuance of some
of them. The production of milk under hygienic
conditions is a matter of such vital importance to the
community that no cowsheds should be tolerated which
do not comply with such standards.
Fried Fish and Fish-Curing Premises.
At the end of 1925 there were 52 fried fish
vendors' premises in the Borough, at three of which
curing was also carried on. There were 23 fish curers'
premises, including these three. Ninety-two visits
were made by the Food Inspector to these premises,
and 4 notices were served for insanitary conditions.
Speaking generally, these businesses are well
conducted and little exception can be taken to the
quality of either fish or potatoes. When illness does
occur it is generally due to the use of cotton-seed oil,
which may soon become rancid. With regard to this
borough it should be stated that samples of this oil
taken from the frying tank have proved, upon analysis,
to be in good condition.
Workshop Bakehouses.
In the County of London, the Metropolitan
Borough Councils are responsible for enforcing proper
sanitary conditions in all bakehouses, whether wholesale
or retail, which are workshops, that is, without
mechanical power. There are, in Bethnal Green, 57
workshop bakehouses, 18 of which are underground:
181 visits were made to them during the year.