Hints from the Health Department. Leaflet from the archive of the Society of Medical Officers of Health. Credit: Wellcome Collection, London
Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915
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The following remarks on the year's work which are here submitted
were drawn up by the Wharves Inspector, Mr. T. Ashdown.
Unsound, Food and Foreign Meat Regulations.
"Reviewing the operations, under the regulations in this district
during the year ended December 31st last, it appears that a
comparison with previous years would be useless either as an indication
of trade progress or as to the percentage of waste in the various
articles landed. The war conditions and other circumstances also
render brevity a necessity.
"No new legislation or orders have come into operation. With
one exception, namely, eggs, we have adhered to the same methods
of inspection and disposal of waste as in recent years.
"In the case of eggs the quantity was far below the average, but
lengthened time in transit caused abnormal waste in the shipments
landed in the district and also a great amount of anxiety and
trouble. Numerous methods were attempted for the disposal of
these unsavoury goods in a satisfactory manner, but the result of
proceedings taken against the Council indicate that the Courts were
of opinion that the Council had failed in its duty.
"A further case of considerable interest, namely, butter, is
fully reported upon by the Medical Officer of Health. I' simply
direct attention to my remarks made in previous reviews with
regard to coffee, and suggest that they apply equally to butter, and
show that to the trader's mind butter is like coffee, and none is bad
for food, the one and only consideration being market value.
Customs Authorities.
"The most amicable feeling exists with these officers, and the
ever ready and valuable assistance rendered by them is deserving of
the warmest thanks.
Destruction of Unsound Food.
"In my remarks for last year's report I commented upon the
difficulty and cost of destroying unsound foodstuffs, the Destructor