London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bermondsey 1915

Report on the sanitary condition of the Borough of Bermondsey for the year 1915

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TABLE O. Food Examined during the Year 1915.

Inspectors.Meat.Fish.Fruit.Vegetables.Tinned Goods.Dairy Produce.Cereals.Various.
No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Tons. spections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.No. of Inspections.Tons.
Mr. Ashdown4803156¾18464051362716929512813942¼64414966¼3510251002260½
„ Scott712536¼462216½6861683¼536483½6735½3322¼......6
„ Hoskins906752550160¼67871126632808¾578148¼13387½37564422549¼
„ Wood11......1½1½........................

Note. —The inspections refer to the number of separate lots, and the weights are only approximate.