London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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St Pancras 1918

Report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year 1918

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Public Health (Milk and Cream) Regulations, 1912.
The following is a report of the work done under the regulations during
the year ended 30th December, 1918:—
448 samples of milk were taken, and in no cases were preservatives
reported to be present.
No other contraventions of the regulations were discovered.
Inspection ob1 Food [Public Health (London) Act, 1891, Sec. 47].
The Food-Inspectors have kept under regular inspection food exposed or
deposited for sale in slaughterhouses, shops (especially butchers', cooked meat
and fishmongers' shops), stalls, and market places.
No seizures of unsound food were made during 1918.
On 91 occasions during the year unsound food has been surrendered by the
owners to the food inspectors and destroyed as trade refuse.
Dairies, Cowsheds, and Milkshops.
Cowsheds.—There were at the end of 1918 four licensed cowsheds in the
Porough. Ihese are registered for 96 cows.
Milkshops and Dairies.—16 applications for registration under the Dairies,
Cowsheds, and Milkshops Orders were considered during 1918. They were
all acceded to.
The figures in regard to registration of milkshops are set out below:—
No. of purveyors of milk at retail milkshops on register at end
of 1917 223
Deduct No. of purveyors removed from register during 1918 2-')
Add No. of purveyors added to register by resolution of Council
during 1918 16
No. of purveyors of milk at retail milkshops on register at end of
1918 214
At the end of 1918 there were on the register in addition to these 214 retail
milkshops and 4 cowsheds (which are attached to retail milkshops included
in the 214), 2 persons in respect of premises where only a wholesale milk trade
is done, and 3 itinerant vendors without milkshops.
Legal Proceedings.—No prosecutions were undertaken in respect of the sale
of milk by unregistered persons.
Ice-Cream Premises.
49 visits were paid to these premises by the food inspectors during 1918.
No legal proceedings were taken in respect of the manufacture or sale of
jce cream.