London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Wandsworth 1916

Annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., of the Borough for the year1916

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18 Report of the Medical Officer of Health.
Return Cases of Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria.
33 cases of Scarlet Fever occurred after the return of cases
from the hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, and there
were also 11 cases of Diphtheria.
Five of the return cases of Scarlet Fever occurred in Clapham,
one in Putney, five in Streatham, 10 in Tooting, and 12 in Wandsworth.
One of the return cases of Diphtheria occurred in Putney, two
in Streatham, two in Tooting, and six in Wandsworth.
Enteric Fever.
46 cases of Enteric Fever were notified during the year, (two
from Clapham, five from Putney, 11 from Streatham, eight from
Tooting, and 20 from Wandsworth).
The number of deaths was five, and the death-rate was .01
per 1,000 of population.
Cases of Mistaken Diagnosis.
In 136 cases, (55 of Scarlet Fever, 47 of Diphtheria, nine of
Enteric Fever, five of Cerebro-spinal Fever, and one of Continued
Fever), information was received from the Metropolitan Asylums
Board's and other hospitals, that the patients were not suffering
from the disease notified or any other notifiable disease.
Cerebro-spinal Meningitis.
During the year 28 cases of this disease were notified, (seven
in Clapham, none in Putney, seven in Streatham, four in Tooting
and 10 in Wandsworth).
16 of the cases terminated fatally, (five in Clapham, five in
Streatham, one in Tooting and one in Wandsworth), and in five,
information was received that the cases had been wrongly diagnosed.
Two of the wrongly diagnosed cases died, one from Bronchopneumonia,
and the other from Tuberculous Meningitis.