London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Greenwich 1922

The annual report made to the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich for the year 1922

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The remaining forms of Tuberculosis were responsible for 21
deaths, being 10 in East Greenwich, 9 in West Greenwich, 1 in St.
Nicholas, and 1 in Kidbrooke.
Of these other forms of Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis of the
Brain and its membranes was credited with 9 (4 being under five
years of age), Tubercle affecting the Intestines 5 (2 being under five
years of age), General Tuberculosis 4, and other forms of Tuberculosis
3 deaths.
Parasitic Diseases.—There were no deaths from this class
of disease.
Dietetic Diseases.—There were no deaths from this class of
Constitutional Diseases.—The deaths from this cause were
129 in number, which gives a rate of 1.26 per 1,000. Of these,
115 were attributed to Cancer, 5 to Diabetes, 7 to Anaemia, 1 to
Gout and 1 to Purpura Hœmorrhagica.
The deaths from Cancer were distributed as follows —46
occurred in East Greenwich, 42 in West Greenwich, 4 in St. Nicholas,
19 in Charlton and 4 in Kidbrooke.
Developmental Diseases.—There were 198 deaths, equal to
a rate of 1.94 per 1,000.
These may roughly be divided into those from causes which
would appear to be unavoidable, viz. :—Congenital defects, 6, and
those from causes more or less preventable, viz. :—Premature birth,
37; Injury at birth, 2; Debility at birth, 10; Atrophy, Debility
and Marasmus, 4; Atelectasis, 1, and Dentition, 1.
The remaining and largest portion of these deaths from developmental
diseases, 137, in number, were from Old Age: in 1921 there
were 94 deaths from this cause, and 113 in the previous year.
Local Diseases.
Nervous System.—One hundred and one deaths were attributed
to the various nervous diseases, which gives a rate of .99
per 1,000; last year the rate was 1.17 per 1,000. Convulsions were
responsible for 2, both of whom were under five years of age; 3 were
from Meningitis, 57 from Apoplexy, 4 from Hemiplegia or Brain