London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hammersmith 1922

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the Borough of Hammersmith for the year 1922

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Voluntary Work Aided by Borough Council.
Infant Welfare Centres. —There are two Voluntary
Societies for the promotion of Infant Welfare in the Borough,
and in spite of difficulties these continued their good work
during the year.
The Hammersmith Infant Welfare Centre, with its four
branch Centres, had its full complement of activities, including
Ante-natal Clinics, Infant Consultations and Weighings, and
Mothers' Classes of Instruction.
The Women's League of Service, at its one Centre in the
Borough, also held Ante-natal and Infant Consultations, and
supplied dinners to expectant and nursing mothers at reduced
A weekly Dental Clinic is held at this Centre.
Day Nurseries. —Four Day Nurseries in the Borough —
Princess Christian, Princess Mary Adelaide, the Latymer Road
Mission Creche, and West End Baptist, King Street —were in
great demand where mothers were compelled to work for the
support of the family. The first three nurseries received grantsin-aid
from the Council.
Independent Voluntary Agencies.
Rescue Homes. —There were three Homes open in the
Borough throughout the year for the reception of Unmarried
Mothers and their Children; the total accommodation available
for such cases was 19 beds, the confinements taking place at
various institutions in the London area.
Convalescent Treatment of Invalid Children. —This work
was carried on by the Invalid Children's Aid Association; the
majority of children assisted are of school age, and a considerable
number were sent to Convalescent Homes by the good
offices of the Association during the year.