London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1909

Annual report of Medical Officer of Health for 1909

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116, Middlesex Street.
The "Salvation Army Working Men's Hotel and Shelter," No. 116,
Middlesex Street, is the only Common Lodging-House in the City.
It was opened on the 7th February, 1906, and provides accommodation
for 453 persons.
The charge for the Hotel portion is 5d. per night, and the Shelter
2d. per night, which includes a "bath and a bake" (disinfection of
clothing). Food can be purchased cheaply.
The premises are periodically inspected and always found to be well managed
and kept in a cleanly condition. The nuisance complained of, formerly
caused by numbers of men congregating outside waiting for admission and
spitting on the pavement, has been abated, in consequence of applicants being
refused admission if they have been waiting about outside the premises before
the doors are open at 5 p.m.
In the course of the year 327 plans for the proposed reconstruction of
water-closets or drains were submitted for approval.
Of these, 279 were approved, 36 revised and approved, and 12 not
approved. In all cases where, on revision, it was found that the plans were
not in accordance with the Corporation Bye-laws, the matter was submitted
to the judgment of the Sanitary Committee.
The gradual substitution of properly trapped gullies for those formerly
existing, has greatly reduced the complaints received of nuisance from those
receptacles, especially in warm weather, when the nuisance arose from the
faulty construction of many of them.
The City Engineer has given special attention to this matter for several
years past, and a large number of the appliances have now been reconstructed,
greatly to the relief of passers-by and persons living in the vicinity.
Overcrowding is a nuisance dealt with under Section 2 (1) (e) of the
Public Health (London) Act, 1901, and nine cases were reported during the
year. Notices of abatement being served, the overcrowding was discontinued
in each instance.