London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hackney 1911

Report on the sanitary condition of the Hackney District for the year 1911

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3. The Borough Council will provide sufficient and
competent assistants for the purpose of effecting the cleansing
of children under this Agreement the cleansing of girls to be
effected by women only.
4. The cleansing station shall during the continuance of
this Agreement be kept entirely separate from any premises used
by the Borough Council for the isolation of suspected cases
of infectious disease contacts.
5. The Council will pay to the Borough Council in respect
of each child cleansed under this Agreement the sum of two
shillings, such payment of two shillings in respect of each child
to cover any number of attendances by such child at the
cleansing station for the purpose of such cleansing within the
period of one calendar month from the date upon which the
child is first cleansed there and to be irrespective of the number
of baths required before the child can reasonably be regarded
as cleansed.
6. The Borough Council will render quarterly accounts
to the Council in respect of the payments to be made by the
Council under this Agreement, and for the purpose of verifying
the amounts payable by the Council will produce for the
inspection of the Council's Officers such vouchers, books, and
other documents as may reasonably be required.
7.—The Agreement shall remain in force for one year from
the date hereof. Provided always that if the parties hereto
shall so agree by Memorandum in writing under the hands of
the Clerk of the Council and the Town Clerk of the Borough
Council, the Agreement may be renewed upon the terms stated
in such Memorandum.
In order to assure proper cleansing of the children, the Public
Health Committee authorised me to engage a suitable woman for the
special purpose of cleansing the children, sent to the station, under
the supervision of the nurse appointed by the London County
Council, who is always present during the cleansing.