London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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City of London 1899

Report on the sanitary condition of the City of London for the year 1899

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In writing the details of the ever-increasing
responsibilities of my office, I have not hesitated
to point out some of the difficulties and
disappointments met with in the discharge of its
multifarious and onerous duties.
I venture to believe that in doing so I have
in no instance overstepped the allegiance, and
respect due to the Honourable Corporation it is
my pride and pleasure to serve and advise.
The Local Government Board have prescribed
a definite formulary for the guidance of Medical
Officers of Health, in a departmental memorandum
dated December, 1899, the salient features
of which are as follows, viz.:—
" Every Medical Officer of Health is required
"to make an annual report for the year ending
"the 31st December. The report is to be made
"to the Sanitary Authority, and the Medical
"Officer of Health himself should send a copy
"of it to the Local Government Board and to
"the London County Council. The Board's
"copy of the report should be forwarded to them
" when the original is sent to the Sanitary