London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Paddington 1894

Report on vital statistics and sanitary work for the year 1894

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TABLE 3c. St. John's Sub-District.

No. of rooms to a tenement.Total No. of tenements.Total No. of inhabitants.Average No. of inhabitants.% of total population living in tenements of — rooms.OVERCROWDING.
No. of tenements.No. of inhabi-tauts.% of — roomed tenements overcrowded.% of inhabitants of each class of tenement overcrowded.% of total population living overcrowded in each class of tenement.
Per tenement.Per room.
Overcr owded.

Total number of tenements enumerated 6,804
Do. inhabitants do. 33,687
Average number of persons per tenement 4-95
Total number of inhabitants overcrowded 2,349
Equal to 6-97 per cent, of total population.
During the 52 weeks making up the year 1894,
2,834 births were registered in Paddington, viz. :
1,453 males and 1,381 females. The birth-rate for
the year was 23.32 per 1,000 of the estimated population.
The largest number of births was registered in
the first quarter of the year (733), and the smallest in
the fourth (699). From the Sub-Districts of St. Mary
and St. John there were registered 2,423 and 411
births, and the rates were 27.23 and 12.62 respectively.
In London there were last year 130,553
births, equal to a rate of 30.1 per 1,000 of the
estimated population.