London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Kensington 1893

The annual report on the health, sanitary condition, &c., &c., of the Parish of St. Mary Abbotts, Kensington for the year 1893

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In connection with this scheme closing orders have
been obtained in respect of 22 houses. In three cases, the
owners of as many houses made the houses fit for human
habitation, and they are now occupied, although the owners
were informed of the intention of your Vestry to apply to
the Local Government Board for sanction to a scheme which
would necessitate the demolition of the said houses, should the
scheme be approved. The County Council may contribute to
the cost of carrying out a scheme—to the extent of not more
than one half of the net expenditure—when the scheme deals
satisfactorily with the insanitary area, and when the need of
such contribution is shown to the satisfaction of the Council.
In case of disagreement between the Council and the Local
Authority, the Home Secretary is authorised by the Act to
specify the amount of the contribution (if any) to be made by
the Council. The Council, have intimated that the James
Street scheme is not one to which they should be called on to
contribute. At the present time (July) the proposed improvement
scheme has got no further than to the opening of the necessary
inquiry by an Inspector of the Local Government Board.
No other Improvement "Scheme" has been initiated in
this parish. But in 1893 I gave certificates with respect to the
unfitness for human habitation of 13 houses on the south side
of William Street, Notting Dale, with the result that the said
houses were temporarily closed by Justice's Order, pending the
execution of extensive repairs, which were carried out to the
satisfaction of your Vestry's Surveyor, whereupon a rescinding
Order was granted, and the houses are now occupied by a
more respectable class of persons than formerly. Three
houses known as Thresher's Mews, in Tobin Street, Notting
Dale, were in like manner closed by Justice's Order, and will, no
doubt, be demolished; and two houses in Walmer Road, and
two houses described as West Cottages (in Royal Crescent
Mews) were closed for execution of extensive repairs,