London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Islington 1893

Thirty-eighth annual report on the health and sanitary condition of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington

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To the Vestry of St. Mary, Islington.
Your Public Health Committee begs to report that on July 18th, 1892, in its
report on the clauses of the Public Health (London) Act, 1891, it expressed the opinion
that an addition to the staff of Sanitary Inspectors was necessary, but deferred making
any definite recommendation on the subject until it had had an opportunity of further
conference with the Medical Officer of Health.
The Committee has now received an exhaustive report from Dr. Harris, which is
appended, and after careful consideration thereof is of opinion that the Medical Officer
has made out a case for the increase in the staff for which he asks, and also for the
placing of the staff in uniform.
It therefore recommends—
1. That the staff of Sanitary Inspectors be increased to fourteen, and that
the sanction of the Local Government Board be sought for this increase.
2. That the increase be provided, subject to the approval of the Local
Government Board, by the appointment permanently of the four temporary
Inspectors during the pleasure of the Vestry, and by the appointment
of two additional Inspectors.
3. That it be referred back to the Committee to advertise the appointments,
to invite applications for the two additional appointments about to be
created, and to submit names to the Vestry.
4. That the Sanitary Inspectors be henceforth supplied with uniforms, and
that the General Purposes Committee be instructed to provide such
5. That the Superintendent of the Public Health Department (Mr. J. R.
Leggatt) be appointed, subject to the approval of the Local Government
Board, a Sanitary Inspector, with power to act in any part of the Parish,
on the terms of his original appointment, and that he be styled henceforth
"Superintendent of the Public Health Department and Chief
Sanitary Inspector."
All which is submitted.
REPORT by the Medical Officer of Health on the number of
Additional Sanitary Inspectors required for executing the
Sanitary Work in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington.
To the Chairman and Member of the Public Health Committee.
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,—
In proposing to you to increase the staff of Sanitary Inspectors, I have very
carefully and anxiously approached the question and studied it in all its bearings, and