London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Fulham 1896

Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year ending December 31st, 1896

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133 in Plumstead and 136 in Lewisham and Lambeth, to 181 in St. George's,
Southwark, 184 in Clerkenwell and in Kensington, 193 in the Strand, 194 in
Holborn and 213 in St. Saviour's.
In the large provincial towns the lowest rates were 135 in Brighton, 142
in Bristol, 143 in Bradford, and 149 in Halifax; and the highest 187 in
Leicester, 197 in Birmingham, 199 in Salford and 203 in Preston.
In the three adjoining parishes the rates were —Kensington 178,
Hammersmith 179, and Chelsea 169.
In the summer quarter the Infantile death-rate reached the high figure
of 291 deaths to 1,000 births, mainly owing to the excessive mortality from
Between the ages of 1 and 5 years 341 deaths were registered, so that
the deaths of children under the age of 5 numbered 1,051, or 51 per cent,
of the total number of deaths. These deaths were equal to an annual rate
of 64 8 per 1,000 of the population estimated to be living at that age, the
corresponding rate for the Metropolis being 66.8.
Sixty-six of the children who died before attaining the age of one year
were illegitimate, the mortality among them being in the proportion of 358
deaths to 1,000 births, or more than twice as heavy as that of Children born
in wedlock.
Certificates under the Friendly Societies Acts were issued in respect of
581 children under the age of 5 years, and 63 in respect of those between
5 and 10. Thus 55 per cent, of the children who died before attaining
the age of 5 were insured. In the previous three years the proportions
were 48, 50, and 53 per cent.
At the age of 5 to 15 years, which is approximately the school
period of life, there were 95 deaths, corresponding to an annual rate of 3.7
per 1,000 of the population estimated to be living at that age.
Between the age of 15 to 25 years 63 deaths were recorded, the rate of
mortality being 3.2 per 1000.