London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Orsett 1895

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Orsett]

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Summary of Work done through the
Sanitary Inspector.
for Year
Complaints received 4
Cottages inspected 417
Bakehouses inspected 17
Dairies and Milk Shops inspected 15
Cowsheds inspected 15
Filthy houses cleansed, sec. 46 Public Health
Act, 1875 4
Houses disinfected 35
Overcrowding abated 5
Houses placed in habitable repair 12
Houses closed 10
Houses erected or rebuilt, for which "Certificates"
were applied for 34
" Certificates granted" 34
Wells sunk or improved supplies of water afforded 4
Wells cleansed or repaired 4
Wells closed 1
Houses connected with water mains 24
Earth, pail, or improved Privies constructed or
existing Privies altered 30
Privies and W.C.'s repaired; W.C.'s supplied
with water 10
Cisterns cleansed, repaired, or covered 14
Animals improperly kept removed 6
Samples of water taken for Analysis 13
Nuisances reported or detected 248
Nuisances abated 230
Notices served 230
Summonses taken out 2
Convictions 1
Inspector of Nuisances.