London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Deptford 1906

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Deptford, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Customs and Inland Revenue Acts—
Number of houses for which applications were received
during year 6
Number of dwellings comprised therein 12
Number of certificates granted
Number of prosecutions under Bye-laws under Public Health
(London) Act, 1891 —
(a) For prevention of nuisance arising from snow, ice, salt,
filth, etc.
(b) For prevention of nuisance arising from offensive matter
running out of any manufactory, etc.
(c) For the prevention of keeping of animals in such a
manner as to be injurious to health
(d) As to paving of yards, etc., of dwelling-houses ...
(e) In connection with the removal of offensive matter, etc.
(f) As to cesspools and privies, removal and disposal of
refuse, etc.
(g) For securing the cleanliness of tanks, cisterns, etc.
(h) With respect to water closets, earth closets, etc.
(i) With respect to sufficiency of water supply to water
( j) With respect to drainage, etc. (Metropolis Management
Act, Section 202)
(k) With respect to deposit of plans as to drainage, etc.
(Metropolis Management Act, Section 202)
Total number of bodies removed 68
Total number of infectious bodies removed nil
H. W. Roberts,
Medical Officer of Health.